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Olimp introduced the Tri Tren 250 essential mixture on the market. This steroid combines short and long steroids.

Having combined three trenbolone in one drug – acetate, enanthate, and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate, they received a powerful anabolic. Possessing the greatest effectiveness, each, when combined, they conveyed optimal qualities in perfect form.

Description and principle of operation

The qualities of the Tri Tren 250 practically do not differ from individual trenbolone, the only difference is the period of onset of action and the duration of influence. A mixture of esters allows you to combine all the advantages of acetate, which does not last long, but qualitatively and other esters. The action of which is stretched in time.

The main result of the course administration of Tri Tren will be the manifestation of a large increase in muscle volume. Impressive creative impact Tri Tren 250, accompanied by a long time of effectiveness.

Useful advice: In the last period, it is relatively difficult to buy trenbolone at retail. At the same time, there is a chance to find any steroids online. For this purpose, you need to use the services of our website, where you can also find all the necessary information.

Effects of use

The component composition of the product, having at its disposal the intense possibilities of influencing the athlete’s body, shows improvements in such parameters:

  1. A huge set of clean muscles;
  2. The manifestation and stiffness of the muscle structure;
  3. The elimination of fat, by increasing growth hormone;
  4. Rapid recovery after intense training;
  5. Significant injection increase in power parameters;
  6. Carrying out not frequent injections;
  7. There is no sharp change in hormonal levels;
  8. It can be used both by beginners and experienced athletes.
READ  What is Tri Tren cycle for? Features of the drug

Method of administration and dosage

The optimal dosage varies between 0.3 – 0.4 grams with a duration of not more than 2 months.

The steroid drug under consideration, solo mainly assists in increasing the volume of muscles and strength parameters. The course can be carried out as a solo option, as well as in combination with various types of anabolics.

An additional increase in muscle mass is carried out when it is combined with testosterone or methandrostenolone.

Improving the aesthetic characteristics of muscles is acquired by combining a steroid with boldenone. In order to eliminate excess fluid, Primobolan is added to the course.

Doping is not used by the fair sex because of its significant androgenic effect and high risk of masculinization.

Side effects

With the extraordinary power of influence, it can lead to disastrous results. Abuse of the norm and duration of use will bring:

  • Unpleasant sweating;
  • The appearance of blackheads;
  • Containment of activity on the formation of one’s own testosterone;
  • The content of dangerous cholesterol rises, which can lead to atherosclerosis;
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system;
  • The amount of estrogen is multiplying, because of which gynecomastia begins;
  • High blood pressure.


With the constant and rapid development of the market, a significant number of experienced bodybuilders prefer the use of trenbolone. Responding to it exclusively on the positive side, athletes practically show amazing results after its application. Athletes observed a significant set of muscle mass in short-term temporary periods. The only thing that can cause negative emotions of athletes is that not every steroid store sells it.



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